285669166 384948967009910 7885029187748140998 n 285727649 384949547009852 5035115221330051234 n 285737932 384948977009909 5950639315984528107 n
286215423 384949527009854 4744228419163403758 n 285664130 384949570343183 4146500731457415001 n 285725236 384949507009856 5940199338384768332 n


KUANTAN - A working visit by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) School of Air Traffic Control (SATC) delegation based in RAAF East Sale Base, Australia was conducted at the Air Traffic Control School (SKTU), INSPRA on 22nd -27th May 22.

The visit is one of the programme's registered in the Term of Reference (ToR) Sister School Programme signed during the 11th Air Staff Talk (AST) Series conference in Sydney, Australia on 18 Oct 19.

The delegation from SATC, RAAF was led by WGCDR Peter Noel Clark, Commanding Officer of SATC, and accompanied by Flt Lt Nicholas Jordan Downward.
The six-days programme included a courtesy call to ATC Trade Master, Maj Gen Dato’ Hanafiah bin Hj Abdul Manaf RMAF at the RMAF Headquarters,Ministry of Defence; a visit to SKTU, INSPRA and Joint Air Space Management and Coordination Centre (JAMCC), Sepang.

During the visit program at SKTU, both parties had fruitful discussions related to the development of air traffic control training. The delegation was also taken to visit (walking brief) training facilities such as Aerodrome Control Training Simulator (ACTS), Radar Simulator System (RSS) and Self Training Facilities (STF).

Information sharing between these two training centers is important for the development of air traffic control training not only at SKTU, but also at SATC in the future. It is also to further strengthen the diplomatic relations between both Air Forces of the two countries that have been established for so long under Malaysia Australia Joint Defence Programme (MAJDP).


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